The Faroe Islands and Greenland:National self-determination, racist illusions and the importance of colonies to Danish imperialism

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The Communist Youth of Denmark supports the right of the colonized nations of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, to national self-determination. We oppose the national chauvinist and colonialist illusion that these countries and peoples are subjugated to Denmark because they “cannot fend for themselves”.

The subjugation of these nations is not a welfare scheme done for the sake of charity.
Denmark’s imperialist bourgeoisie, together with the international monopoly capitalists, benefits from plundering Greenland and the Faroe Islands of both their working classes’ surplus value and the countries’ natural resources. Greenland and the Faroe Islands also play an important geopolitical role in Danish and American imperialism’s confrontation with Russia and China in the North Atlantic.

National self-determination

According to the principle of national self-determination, The Communist Youth of Denmark do not support Denmark’s domination of the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Therefore, support for the Faroese and Greenlandic comrades must take high priority, as only they themselves can completely free themselves from capitalism, imperialism and colonialism.

The DKU supports Faroese and Greenlandic secession to the extent that it strengthens the proletarian social upheaval. At the present time, when the power of Danish imperialism is strengthened by the subjugation of Greenland and the Faroe Islands, secession from Denmark is desirable, as this will destabilize Danish imperialism; but bourgeois secession alone can never create a genuine national-democratic revolution. Therefore, the relationship to secession should be pragmatic; in cases where the revolution will be strengthened, we should support secession, if the revolution will be weakened, we should not.

An example of how secession could strengthen the revolution would be if the revolutionary forces of the colony are far ahead of the Danish. An example of how secession could weaken the revolution is if there is a drastically stronger revolutionary movement on the Danish mainland, or a successful socialist revolution in the entire Kingdom of Denmark. In such cases, communists will not support secession, but oppose it. However, such resistance can and must only be done through propaganda and ideological struggle – not through military repression. A good historical example of this is the liberation of Finland from the former Tsarist Empire by Soviet power, due to the fierce class struggle in Finland and its working class’ demand for self-determination.

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